As a life coach and childbirth educator
I currently offer 3 courses:

  1.  Squash Self-Sabotage— Live A Life You Love By Design Not Default: A six-week online course with weekly group coaching calls. Individual calls upon request.

  2. Briar’s Babies: Childbirth With Joy: A 10-week live Zoom course teaching couples the physical, nutritional, and relational components of preparing for birth and the multi-faceted roles you will face as parents. I am available as a doula/support-person during labor if you are having a home birth (during Covid-19, mothers are only allowed one support person in the hospital, and that is usually the significant other.)

  3. Shut Up And Listen: A 7-Week Course teaching the 4 Principles of Communication grounded in active listening.  

12-Week Coaching Packages are also available for issue-focused Zoom Groups available to anyone who has previously been in therapy with me or taken any of my coaching courses. Groups currently focus on:

  • Parenting

  • Breaking Through Sabotage and Living Your Designed Life

  • Listen, Listen, Listen—THE Keys To The Kingdom!

 Group coaching packages include weekly Zoom coaching calls and pairing up with an accountability partner.